DOING WHAT YOU LOVE…!! <3 <3 <3 We generally daunt of what would people say after our acts. We care a lot about our reputation in the society, don’t we? But have you ever thought why we think about others when others don’t matter more than our own selves. Is there anything above self respect, self worth? For me NO..! If I can face myself in the mirror then I wouldn’t care for what people say about me. I really think there is no need to think what others envision about you, you have better work in life! Doing what you love would give you one assurance that whatever your life is you are responsible for it! You won’t blame others for things happening in your life! You wouldn’t miss anything that you deserve when you will start listening to your heart! I remember when I was small I always thought; people say they are busy, engrossed in their own problems then how do they get time to make judgments about people? Don’t they have better work in life? If we base our acts on what othe...