Oh! That fateful night, I had no clue, Finally one day I would have to bid adieu. They said I would be "just fine", Nothing will happen with just a line! But that one line of crystal sucked me, The craving bad already begun and I knew it wouldn't set me free. Days after days, it went on, I knew one day I would realize but then it will be all gone. My body refused to stop, it only wanted more, If only I knew before drug was such a dirty whore! My mind warned me, it wanted to live, Happily with my Family at least till eighty five! I soon lost my friend, family and my sanity, But none of it reduced the addiction's gravity. And then finally came one day, It was another normal day, I would say. My heart was pumping at the fastest rate, My eyes couldn't focus straight! I wanted nothing but more meth, Every minute I knew that I was tickling myself to death! But from here there was no way of going back, Every minute I feared the death attack! And tha...