Bring It On, Life!

As cliché as it may sound, life really is unpredictable. No crystal ball can tell what the future holds for us. And that is exactly where the thrill lies. The reality of living is ‘uncertainty’ . Not knowing where the mystical road of life leads us to, but bearing a little hope and faith, we keep walking ahead. Living in a constant state of fear, doubt, worry, and anxiety about your past or your future is only going to ruin the beautiful aura of today. Someone had once told me , “Live each moment at a time. Take each day at once and you will find your life falling right in place. Faith and hope are two of the few strong drivers of your life.” This makes sense, doesn’t it? As a kid, I always wanted to be a grown-up and now that I am technically a grown-up, I can’t help but miss my childhood days and wish I could go back and never grow up. Let us face it; we can’t undo what is done. Neither can we replay the past, nor can we fast-forward to the future. All we ha...