Mistakes Make Life!
“We're often afraid of looking at our shadow because we want to avoid the shame or embarrassment that comes along with admitting mistakes.” -Marianne Williamson To err is human, but it takes a real man to admit those mistakes. And once the mistake is accepted, the next big question that arises is that whether we learn something from it or just let it pass. Mistakes do not mean failure, it only means you tried. And in life, we reach the acme only when we try! If we laugh over our mistakes, taking them in good spirits and keep trying, people will be bound to pay respect. Every once in a while, we break down, feel low, crestfallen, sad, we feel miserable about the best of the things, ever wondered why? It is simply because ‘Like begets Like’, the first negative vibe (for eg: sadness) that we send to the universe attracts more of it. So instead of making up for the sadness, you receive more of it and ultimately you have a lousy day. Similarly, if we make a mistake and ...