Mistakes Make Life!

“We're often afraid of looking at our shadow because we want to avoid the shame or embarrassment that comes along with admitting mistakes.”  -Marianne Williamson

To err is human, but it takes a real man to admit those mistakes. And once the mistake is accepted, the next big question that arises is that whether we learn something from it or just let it pass. Mistakes do not mean failure, it only means you tried. And in life, we reach the acme only when we try!
If we laugh over our mistakes, taking them in good spirits and keep trying, people will be bound to pay respect. 

Every once in a while, we break down, feel low, crestfallen, sad, we feel miserable about the best of the things, ever wondered why? It is simply because ‘Like begets Like’, the first negative vibe (for eg: sadness) that we send to the universe attracts more of it. So instead of making up for the sadness, you receive more of it and ultimately you have a lousy day.
Similarly, if we make a mistake and keep mourning over it instead of making it right, we will eventually end up making more mistakes. 
It is thus, very important to accept the fact that humans tend to make errors but it is only in our hands to rectify them.  
No one is perfect, each one of us, sometime or the other have made Himalayan Blunders having dreadful consequences. These mistakes have neither made us an atrocious person nor a person who cannot be trusted ever after. To prove this, let me ask you, haven’t you ever barked up the wrong tree? Yes. Today, don’t you have friends who have blind faith in you despite your mistakes? Yes. Why? Because we all rise above our bitter pills and that makes us better than before. But we cannot grow if we do not accept our mistakes and make an attempt to rectify them.
We must courageously face the reality instead of playing the blame game like amateurs. At times, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak, we should not give up. And if the consequences are irreversible, the least we must do is seek forgiveness and move on.  Life is too short to live with the baggage of regrets, its never too late to make up for something that we shouldn't have said or done. 
Lastly, let the horizons of our judgments be so wide that we do not define people by the mistakes that they make but by the way they make up for the mistakes made!

Never let your mistakes define who you are, let it be your choice of who you want to be!

“I have learned all kinds of things from my many mistakes. The one thing I never learn is to stop making them.” ― Joe Abercrombie


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