The Reason Why Some Relations Don't Last

There’s a popular saying that we don’t meet people by accident, they are meant to cross our path for a reason. It is difficult to explain why you feel a certain way about someone and why you instantly click with some people. On the other hand, you could be friends with some people for years and yet not feel the connection.

Whether you believe it or not, people walk into your life with a predetermined purpose. Some people stay for a short time and once they are gone you sink in the silence of their absence. They were a part of your life because you needed them at that point in time and now when their role is over, it only makes sense to let them go. Their role was to maybe teach you an important life lesson or to teach you how to love yourself. Actually, we fail to look deep.

I don’t know if you will believe me when I say that there’s definitely a reason why your heart leans towards a specific person and there’s a reason (which may be unknown to you) why you get attached to some people. Don’t believe me? Every person you were once attached to must have taught you something valuable that you will carry with yourself throughout. Now the question is why do they leave? Because that have served their purpose in your life, which means it’s time to set each other free.

The irony is that these temporary people leave behind permanent life lessons. And you have no control over their existence. No matter how desperately you want them to leave, they won’t until their role is over and likewise, no matter how much you want them to stay, they cannot. These people help you solve the unsolved mysteries of your life and give you answers to the questions that kept you from sleeping peacefully every night.

They empower you when you’re struggling by pulling you closer and they are capable of digging you out of your darkness. Don’t worry, they can even help you fight your inner demons and won’t judge you for bringing out the ugly on the table.

So what happens when they leave?
We become highly frustrated because we fail to let go. We fail to understand why a beautiful relation that was becoming an integral part of our lives, had to come to an end. But if you look at it from a different perspective, you will know that if these people stayed beyond their tenure, the beauty of the relation would fade and the love would eventually die. It would slowly dry out and in the end, you will be more hurt than ever.

I think faith is the essence of letting go. Faith is the only tool that can make the story of your life better. If you tried to rewrite the relation, you would ruin it entirely. Maybe a happy ending is not really a happy ending. Maybe these people who were sent to teach you and heal you, have other places to go to.

They entered your life to teach you how to live, let go, detach and have unconditional faith in God and if they don’t leave, the purpose of their existence would be defeated, isn’t it? Maybe you will encounter someone better, someone, who has a lot more to offer you. Remember, it takes losing what you were willing to settle for to realize what you truly deserve.

There will be times when you will feel like settling, but don’t forget you are destined for something better. Even if you have to live alone for a long time, don’t be afraid – to live the greatest life that you are capable of living, you ought to show some patience.

And the day you find your forever person, you will recognize the smell. You will be able to recognize that one person in middle of the crowd because your soul will recognize theirs. 


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