Even Today..

It’s been a year and I have mastered the art of pretending that I no more need you. “I don’t miss him anymore.”, “I don’t care which girl he is with today!”, “He is an ass, I hate him.” It’s painful to lie each time I am asked about you. I saw you walk aisle the road this morning with her and I couldn’t stop staring at you. Your deep eyes which now had a reflection of her, those gloaming strands of hair, seductive wicked smile, everything is just as alluring as it was then. Nothing has changed in you but the devastating change is that I can no longer play with your mellow hair, no longer kiss those luring lips. I so haven’t forgotten your smell.  I stood there while you walked, paying no heed to my presence. 
With each step I took, there was a memory that was reminding me of the beautiful ‘us’.  I don’t know if it was me or you that drove us towards the south but I terribly regret this drive. I think our expectations ruin the imperfectly perfect idea of love. They say if you want big love, you will have to go after it but what am I supposed to do when the entry gate is slammed on my face? Life just doesn’t seem life without you.  You insulted me with the romantic promises that you couldn’t keep, forever’s that were never yours. Just for once, can’t we begin all over again? Without any promises, just here and now, for we don’t know what tomorrow holds? But maybe that would be my biggest mistake. 

I think I owe to myself for having my heart broken, for trusting you when I knew it all along that you will sooner or later just walk away. I deserve an explanation, don’t I? It’s gut-wrenching to wake up each day and gawp at the sky and realize that you are somewhere out there, beneath the same sky, gazing at her, saying things that you once told me. I still remember when you said, “I am more than just fortunate to have you in my life. I will never let you go, till death do us apart!” It isn’t your fault maybe or maybe you were playing on me. I don’t know but what I do know is that someday when I see you walk past me with the girl you love, I will not be moved. Till then seeing you would be like rubbing salt into my wounds but sometimes the only way to heal is to rub salt in the wounds till it stops burning. 

You don’t deserve self-less love. You don’t deserve someone like me. Your love was the venom that killed a part of me. I gave you my entire universe whereas I was just another particle in yours. You were the moon but I was just a star to you. 
My heart is deflated, not torn. I’ll only grow stronger hereon. It’s only a matter of time!


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